A robust message passing based stereo matching kernel via system-level error resiliency

Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing(2014)

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In this paper, we present an error resilient Markov random field (MRF) message passing based stereo matching hardware (HW) architecture. Previously, algorithmic noise tolerance (ANT) has been applied at the arithmetic level of the reparameterize unit and showed greatly enhanced robustness of message passing inference based architectures. In this work, correction was targeted at the system level to reduce correction overhead while maintaining performance. An erroneous FPGA based accelerator was employed as our emulation platform. Through relaxed synthesis, we show that timing errors occur within the message passing unit, and are successfully compensated. Error correction has been implemented at several hierarchical levels, including end of iteration, and the final depth map output. Significant enhancement in robustness is achieved with minimal correction overhead. Compared to HW error compensation at the arithmetic level, system level error compensation reduces overhead by more than 50 %, while maintaining stereo matching performance with only 3.8 % degradation.
Markov processes,error compensation,error correction,field programmable gate arrays,image matching,iterative methods,message passing,stereo image processing,ANT,MRF,Markov random field,accelerator,algorithmic noise tolerance,arithmetic level,correction overhead,emulation platform,erroneous FPGA,error compensation,error correction,iteration,message passing inference,reparameterize unit,robust message passing,stereo matching hardware architecture,stereo matching kernel,system level error resiliency,timing errors,FPGA,error-resiliency,message passing,stereo matching,timing errors
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