Use of Method for Elicitation, Documentation, and Validation of Software User Requirements (MEDoV) in Agile Software Development Projects

Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks(2014)

引用 29|浏览22
Agile and lean software development methodologies appear as a popular alternative to plan-driven methodologies, but these methodologies have no structure in the process of user requirements specification. This paper shows how Method for Elicitation, Documentation and Validation of Software User Requirements (MEDoV) supports agile and lean software development methodologies. The MEDoV helps stakeholders in their everyday work with minimal impact on agility. The method also ensures an active role of business users, a wide-picture what usually is the problem for agile development, and definition of non-functional requirements, what the even bigger problem is. The MEDoV ensures that no unnecessary features are produced so that no extra code is created, and maintenance is easier, as well as code correction and improvement. Using models enables agility in product maintenance, especially for integrated systems where one change can have multiple impacts on different parts of system.
program verification,software prototyping,MEDoV,agile software development projects,lean software development,method for elicitation, documentation, and validation of software user requirements,Agile Methodologies,Business Process Management,Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Method,Lean Software Development,Requirements Engineering,UML Diagrams
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