Averaged Least-Mean-Squares: Bias-Variance Trade-offs and Optimal Sampling Distributions.

JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings(2015)

引用 69|浏览94
We consider the least-squares regression problem and provide a detailed asymptotic analysis of the performance of averaged constant-step-size stochastic gradient descent. In the strongly-convex case, we provide an asymptotic expansion up to explicit exponentially decaying terms. Our analysis leads to new insights into stochastic approximation algorithms: (a) it gives a tighter bound on the allowed step-size; (b) the generalization error may be divided into a variance term which is decaying as O (1/n), independently of the step-size gamma, and a bias term that decays as O(1/gamma(2)n(2)); (c) when allowing non-uniform sampling of examples over a dataset, the choice of a good sampling density depends on the trade-off between bias and variance: when the variance term dominates, optimal sampling densities do not lead to much gain, while when the bias term dominates, we can choose larger step-sizes that lead to significant improvements.
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