A unifying and robust method for efficient envelope-following simulation of PWM/PFM DC-DC converters


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The envelope-following (EF) simulation of practical DC-DC converters is challenging due to the presence of digital behavior, strong nonlinearity, complex frequency module schemes and feedback loops. This paper presents a novel EF method for time-domain analysis of DC-DC converters based upon a numerically robust time-delayed phase condition to track the envelopes oaf circuit states under a varying switching frequency. We further develop an EF technique that is applicable to both fixed and varying switching frequency operations, thereby providing a unifying solution to converters with pulse-width modulation (PWM) and/or pulse-frequency modulation (PFM). The robustness and efficiency of the proposed method are demonstrated using several DC-DC converter and oscillator circuits modeled using the industrial standard BSIM4 transistor models. A significant runtime speedup of 30X with respect to the conventional transient analysis is achieved for PFM DC-DC converters with strong nonlinear switching characteristics.
industrial standard bsim4 transistor model,complex frequency module scheme,switching convertors,pulse frequency modulation converter,time-delayed phase condition,oscillator circuit,transients,standards,nonlinear switching characteristic,pulse width modulation converter,digital behavior,pwm-pfm dc-dc converter,envelope-following simulation,feedback loop,pulse frequency modulation,feedback,envelopes upon,time-domain analysis,ef simulation,dc-dc power convertors,field effect transistors,pwm power convertors,oscillators,transient analysis,steady state,steady state analysis,robustness,switches
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