Quick Affective Judgments: Validation Of A Method For Primed Product Comparisons

CHI '15: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Seoul Republic of Korea April, 2015(2015)

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A method for primed product comparisons was developed, based on the methodological considerations of emotional appraisal process and affective mental contents. The method was implemented as a computer tool, which was utilised in two experiments (N = 18 for both). Ten adjectives served as primes, and five drinking glass pictures as stimuli. Participants' task was to choose a preference between two glasses, given the priming adjective. The results validate the method by providing test-retest reliability measures and showing convergence with questionnaires. Further, different evaluation times between the primes and the stimuli reveal the existence of different mental processes associated with various aspects of product experience, as predicted by appraisal theory. The results have various implications for experience research and development in HCI, as they demonstrate how the method can be used for product evaluation and the analysis of the mental processes, which users use to evaluate the products.
product experience,affective mental contents,primed product comparisons
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