Secure Degrees of Freedom Region of the Two-User MISO Broadcast Channel with Alternating CSIT.

IEEE Trans. Information Theory(2017)

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The two user multiple-input single-output (MISO) broadcast channel with confidential messages (BCCM) is studied, in which the nature of channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) from each user can be of the form $I_{i}$ , $i=1,2$ where $I_{1}, I_{2}\\in \\{\\mathsf {P}, \\mathsf {D}, \\mathsf {N}\\}$ , and the forms $\\mathsf {P}$ , $\\mathsf {D}$ , and $\\mathsf {N}$ correspond to perfect and instantaneous, completely delayed, and no CSIT, respectively. Thus, the overall CSIT can alternate between nine possible states corresponding to all possible values of $I_{1}I_{2}$ , with each state occurring for $\\lambda _{I_{1}I_{2}}$ fraction of the total duration. We assume that perfect and instantaneous CSI is available at the all receivers. The main contribution of this paper is to establish the secure degrees of freedom (s.d.o.f.) region of the MISO BCCM with alternating CSIT with the symmetry assumption, where $\\lambda _{I_{1} I_{2}}=\\lambda _{I_{2}I_{1}}$ . The main technical contributions include developing 1) novel achievable schemes for MISO BCCM with alternating CSIT with security constraints, which also highlight the synergistic benefits of inter-state coding for secrecy; 2) new converse proofs via local statistical equivalence and channel enhancement; and 3) showing the interplay between various aspects of channel knowledge and their impact on s.d.o.f.
MISO,Receivers,Transmitting antennas,Security,MIMO,Encoding
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