Force control tasks with pure haptic feedback promote short-term focused attention.

IEEE T. Haptics(2014)

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Focused attention has great impact on our quality of life. Our learning, social skills and even happiness are closely intertwined with our capacity for focused attention. Attention promotion is replete with examples of training-induced increases in attention capability, most of which rely on visual and auditory stimulation. Pure haptic stimulation to increase attention capability is rarely found. We show that accurate force control tasks with pure haptic feedback enhance short-term focused attention. Participants were trained by a force control task in which information from visual and auditory channels was blocked, and only haptic feedback was provided. The trainees were asked to exert a target force within a pre-defined force tolerance for a specific duration. The tolerance was adaptively modified to different levels of difficulty to elicit full participant engagement. Three attention tests showed significant changes in different aspects of focused attention in participants who had been trained as compared with those who had not, thereby illustrating the role of haptic-based sensory-motor tasks in the promotion of short-term focused attention. The findings highlight the potential value of haptic stimuli in brain plasticity and serve as a new tool to extend existing computer games for cognitive enhancement.
cognition,participant engagement,visual stimulation,force control tasks,happiness,quality of life,haptic feedback,brain plasticity,force control,attention promotion,behavioural sciences computing,force control task,attention capability,short-term focused attention,haptic interfaces,force tolerance,learning skill,focused attention,social skill,cognitive enhancement,auditory stimulation,computer games,vibrations,visualization,force,games
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