The aerosol optical properties measurement by ground remote sensing in Shanghai and Guangzhou of China


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Aerosols directly impact radiance balance of the earth by scattering and absorbing solar radiation, it remain as one of the major uncertain factors in estimating radiative forcing. The spatial and temporal characteristics of aerosol optical depth (AOD) were measured by CE-318 sun-photometer. Angstrom wavelength exponent (a) and the aerosol turbidity coefficient (P) were retrievaled in Shanghai and Guangzhou of China in 2009. The relationship between AOD and Angstrom wavelength exponent (a) in these stations also was analyzed. The results showed that there were different patterns of AOD in this urban gradient along with eastern China. The differences of AOD seasonal pattern existed in the two sites. The Angstrom wavelength exponent (a) analysis results suggested that the aerosol sizes in two stations are fine particle throughout year. We found the relationship between the aerosol optical depths and aerosol turbidity coefficient (P) was significantly close.
aerosol optical properties measurement,aerosol turbidity coefficient,remote sensing,solar radiation scattering,atmospheric techniques,atmospheric optics,aod seasonal pattern,solar radiation absorption,light scattering,ce-318 sun photometer,china,aod spatial characteristics,aerosol,aerosol optical depth,aerosols,light absorption,aod,aod temporal characteristics,ground remote sensing,ad 2009,radiative forcing,shanghai,angstrom wavelength exponent,guangzhou,atmospheric radiation,radiance balance,optical sensor,optical scattering,meteorology
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