3D visualization computing in fast design and construction

Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(2010)

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This paper describes a 3D visualization computing methodology to aid the design of tremendous civil engineering in exploiting DEM and RS images. The methodology has been applied to the design and construction of astronomical telescope project, the FAST. Attempting to meet scientific and technological challenges in the process of the project, this paper has developed an innovational 3D computing platform. To simulate the virtual environment of the spot, 3D terrain model has been created based on QuickBird images and DEM, meanwhile, subtle model of massive main active reflector is loaded on the terrain. The algorithm of optimizing telescope antenna location in depressions is presented. In the virtual environment, considering the slope of the terrain, the distribution of feed supporting towers on the telescope has been optimized. It has been proved that the proposed methodology is of high efficiency in the practice of the application.
DEM image,optimisation,terrain mapping,remote sensing,virtual reality,virtual environment,civil engineering,civil engineering computing,FAST,active reflector,RS image,DEM,astronomical telescope project,dem,QuickBird image,digital elevation models,telescope antenna location optimization,radiotelescopes,data visualisation,geophysical image processing,five hundred meter aperture spherical radiotelescope,3D visualization computing,design engineering,fast,3D terrain model,feed supporting tower,3d visualization computing,site selection
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