Analysis of risk factors, evoked potential and brain CT in children with mental retardation and/or cerebral palsy: A retrospective study

Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation(2004)

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Aim: To explore the risk factors and the status of brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) and brain CT in children with mental retardation (MR) and/or cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: Retrospective study was used to analyz the risk factors, BAEP and brain CT abnormal rate in 137 children with MR and/or CP. Results: There were 54.8% of the MR and/or CP children with prenatal abnormalities, 25.6% with birth abnormalities, 16.1% with neonatal period abnormalities and 4.4% with familial histories; 62.0% of the MR and/or CP children had BAEP abnormalities and 52.3% with head CT abnormalities. Conclusion: The risk factors of perinatal period are related to the episode of MR and/or CP; BAEP and brain CT are good supplementary means to diagnose MR and/or CP. We should strengthen the health protection during pregnancy period as well as health education, enhance the qualities of delivery technique and cure the acute and heavy diseases in time during neonatal period in order to enhance the qualities of children life.
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