Emission time scales for light charged particles from symmetric and asymmetric fission processes for 40 Ar + 197 Au reactions at 25 MeV/nucleon

Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics(1998)

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Two-particle correlation functions at small relative momenta were measured in the binary fission processes for 40Ar+ 197Au reactions at 25 MeV/nucleon. Compared to trajectory calculations the mean emission times of light charged particles were determined from two-particle correlation functions. The emission times varied weakly with the mass of the particles, but strongly with the kinetic energy of the particles. A slightly shorter emission time was determined for the particles emitted in the fission plane compared to out of the fission plane due to preferential, in-plane preequilibrium emission with shorter emission time. The emission time of light particles was nearly independent of the mass asymmetry of the fission fragments, depending mainly on the degree of equilibration in the emitting nuclei. A very short emission time of less than 100 fm/c was deduced for the preequilibrium emission of high-energy particle pairs with kinetic energy E≥20 MeV/nucleon while a long emission time of about 600-1000 fm/c was deduced for emission of low-energy particles with E≤9 MeV/nucleon. Such a long time suggests evaporation for these low-energy particles from thermalized compound nuclei or fission fragments.
correlation function,charged particles,kinetic energy
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