Public acceptance situation and promoting strategies empirical analysis on the local egovernment public services

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology(2013)

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With the development of computer science and information technology, and the development of Internet technology, the network is gradually increased in people's popularity rate, local government is in order to expand the efforts of public acceptance, and also open a local e-government public services. This paper firstly analyzes the e-government public service model, to analyze of local e-government public services from the web, mobile phone and multimedia and other aspects. Through the form of web site click rate and population survey questionnaire, using the linear variable analysis theory, to carry out mathematical statistical analysis for data, and then through the residual optimization method, to optimize the processing for data, and removing the site click rate of repetitive clicks or abnormal click and subjective factors of the questionnaire cause data error, the establishment of local e-government public service' public acceptance of mathematical model, finally to put forward the strategy that can provides theory reference for the local egovernment public service. © 2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.
E-government,Linear Optimization,Mathematical Model,Public Acceptance,Public Service,Residual Error
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