Historical views navigation though similarity and closeness centrality based recommendation

ITME), 2012 International Symposium(2012)

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When faculty in university visualize the students' personal information, they usually focus on the current view, losing trace of the historical views, which results in missing of some important information or patterns. To address this problem and figure out the unknowns hidden in educational datasets, this paper proposes the historical views navigation though similarity and closeness centrality based recommendation. In this approach, the useful intermediate views or the views interested by users are saved as history and compared with the current view. By analyzing the similarity between them and the closeness centrality measure, the most relative historical views are recommended to the user. Finally, the user study shows that most of the participants are interested in our work. They think it's helpful and will continue to use it.
closeness centrality,history,closeness centrality based recommendation,similarity,human computer interaction,user interfaces,historical views navigation,recommendation,recommender systems,educational institutions,visualization,educational administrative data processing,educational datasets,data visualisation,information visualization,similarity centrality based recommendation,computer aided instruction
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