Visualization of personal history for video navigation.

CHI '14: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Toronto Ontario Canada April, 2014(2014)

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We present an investigation of two different visualizations of video history: Video Timeline and Video Tiles. Video Timeline extends the commonly employed list-based visualization for navigation history by applying size to indicate heuristics and occupying the full screen with a two-sided timeline. Video Tiles visualizes history items in a grid-based layout by following pre-defined templates based on items' heuristics and ordering, utilizing screen space more effectively at the expense of a clearer temporal location. The visualizations are compared against the state-of-the-art method (a filmstrip-based visualization), with ten participants tasked with sharing their previously-seen affective intervals. Our study shows that our visualizations are perceived as intuitive and both outperform and are strongly preferred to the current method. Based on these results, Video Timeline and Video Tiles provide an effective addition to video viewers to help manage the growing quantity of video. They provide users with insight into their navigation patterns, allowing them to quickly find previously-seen intervals, leading to efficient clip sharing, simpler authoring and video summarization.
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