Empowering L&D Managers through Customisation of Inline Learning Analytics.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science(2014)

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Popular learning management systems (LMS) often feature dashboards displaying various analytics. This dashboard display might be suboptimal for some learning and development managers (L&D). Moreover, the analytics presented are often based on standardised quizzes or semesters, which might be unsuitable (e. g., informal learning, corporate education, etc.). Finally, each LMS has its bespoke reporting solution, thus making it difficult for L&D managers to monitor the situation across various LMSs. We propose an interactive system where an L&D manager can customise the data source, queries, filters, and visualisations of their LMSs, and display them inline. To this end, we have built EVADE, a system that allows L&D managers to capture data from various LMSs, analyse them, and embed related visualisations in each LMS. In this instance, we have integrated EVADE with a Moodle instance for corporate education, and Almanac, a tablet application for informal learning. In this paper we present EVADE and discuss how it can improve the L&D manager-LMS interaction.
Learning Analytics,Visualisation,Corporate Learning,LMS
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