Study of Electron Heat Pulse Propagation and Particle Diffusion During the Synergy of LHW and IBW Heating in the HT-7

J. Xu,X. Gao,Y. X. Jie,H. Q. Liu,B. N. Wan, Y. Y. Wei, C. Cheng, Z. J. Xu

International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves(2004)

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A successful experiment on lower hybrid wave (LHW) and ion Bernstein wave (IBW) synergy has been carried out in the HT-7 superconducting tokamak. With 560KW of LHW heating power and 160 KW of IBW heating power, during the synergy of the LHW and IBW experiment we achieved an improved plasma: the electron density increased and peaked, the soft X intensity increased too. A five-channel far-infrared (FIR) hydrogen cyanide (HCN) laser interferometer was used to measure the electron density profile. The particle diffusion coefficient was studied for the experiment, and the result compared with the heat diffusion coefficient. With the same injected LHW and IBW power, high electron density n e can deduce the electron pulse propagation and the particle diffusion.
Pulse Propagation,Heat Diffusion,Heating Power,Heat Power,Electron Pulse
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