Exploiting Opportunistic Physical Design in Large-scale Data Analytics

arXiv (Cornell University)(2013)

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Large-scale systems, such as MapReduce and Hadoop, perform aggressive materialization of intermediate job results in order to support fault tolerance. When jobs correspond to exploratory queries submitted by data analysts, these materializations yield a large set of materialized views that typically capture common computation among successive queries from the same analyst, or even across queries of different analysts who test similar hypotheses. We propose to treat these views as an opportunistic physical design and use them for the purpose of query optimization. We develop a novel query-rewrite algorithm that addresses the two main challenges in this context: how to search the large space of rewrites, and how to reason about views that contain UDFs (a common feature in large-scale data analytics). The algorithm, which provably finds the minimum-cost rewrite, is inspired by nearest-neighbor searches in non-metric spaces. We present an extensive experimental study on real-world datasets with a prototype data-analytics system based on Hive. The results demonstrate that our approach can result in dramatic performance improvements on complex data-analysis queries, reducing total execution time by an average of 61% and up to two orders of magnitude.
opportunistic physical design,large-scale large-scale,data
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