On-demand thread-level fault detection in a concurrent programming environment


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The vulnerability of multi-core processors is increasing due to tighter design margins and greater susceptibility to interference. Moreover, concurrent programming environments are the norm in the exploitation of multi-core systems. In this paper, we present an on-demand thread-level fault detection mechanism for multi-cores. The main contribution is on-demand redundancy, which allows users to set the redundancy scope in the concurrent code. To achieve this we introduce intelligent redundant thread creation and synchronization, which manages concurrency and synchronization between the redundant threads via the master. This framework was implemented in an emulation of a multi-threaded, many-core processor with single, in-order issue cores. It was evaluated by a range of programs in image and signal processing, and encryption. The performance overhead of redundancy is less than 11% for single core execution and is always less than 100% for all scenarios. This efficiency derives from the platform's hardware concurrency management and latency tolerance.
single in-order issue cores,single core execution,signal processing,image processing,on-demand thread-level fault detection mechanism,cryptography,concurrency control,hardware concurrency management,multithreaded many-core processor emulation,multi-threading,multicore processor vulnerability,concurrent code,multiprocessing systems,encryption,synchronization,fault diagnosis,redundancy scope,redundancy,latency tolerance,software fault tolerance,performance evaluation,concurrent programming environments,redundancy performance overhead,intelligent redundant thread creation and synchronization,synchronisation,programming,concurrent computing,instruction sets,multi threading
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