I/O-Efficient Bundled Range Aggregation

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(2014)

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This paper studies bundled range aggregation, which is conceptually equivalent to running a range aggregate query separately on multiple datasets, returning the query result on each dataset. In particular, the queried datasets can be arbitrarily chosen from a large number (hundreds or even thousands) of candidate datasets. The challenge is to minimize the query cost no matter how many and which datasets are selected. We propose a fully-dynamic data structure called aggregate bundled B-tree (aBB-tree) to settle bundled range aggregation. Specifically, the aBB-tree requires linear space, answers any query in \(O(\log _B N)\) I/Os, and can be updated in \(O(\log _B N)\) I/Os (where \(N\) is the total size of all the candidate datasets, and \(B\) the disk page size), under the circumstances where the number of datasets is \(O(B)\). The practical efficiency of our technique is demonstrated with extensive experiments.
abb-tree,i/o-efficient bundled range aggregation,range aggregate query,o(logb n) i/os,multiple datasets,tree data structures,aggregate bundled b-tree,range search,candidate datasets,computational complexity,aggregation,linear space,query answering,fully-dynamic data structure,query cost minimization,indexing methods,query processing,index,radiation detectors,computational modeling,indexes
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