Hyperoxaluria in Phosphate-Treated X-linked Familial Hypophosphataemic Rickets (XLH):

Eckhard Sch??nau, Micehle Cagnoli, Hans Joseph B??hles,Adrian C Sewell,Klaus Mohnike,Klaus Kruse

Pediatric Research(1992)

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1990 Reusz and his colleagues reported that hyperoxaluria during phosphate supplementation in XLH might contribute to the development of nephrocalcinosis in this discorder. We analysed 18 random urine samples from 11 children with XLH (age:3.0-11.0 years) who were treated with 1-4g elemental phosphorus/day, given in four to six single doses, and 30-60 ng 1.25(OH)2D3/kg/day given in two divided doses. There were no signs of severe nephrocalcinosis or renal stones. Urines were collected at about 9 AM after an overnight fast and after the bladder was emptied at about 6 AM. Oxalate excretion was analysed by a enzymatic method and the results were compared with oxalate excretion in random urines from 19 healthy children (age: 4.0-17.0 years).
pediatric, allergy, immunology, cardiology, endocrinology, epidemiology, public health, fetus, pregnancy, gasteroenterology, genetics, hematology, oncology, infectious disease, neonatology, nephrology, neurology, nutrition, pulmonology, rheumatology , Pediatric Research, PR, Pediatr Res, nature journals, nature publishing group
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