CMAR: Accurate and Efficient Classification Based on Multiple Class-Association Rules


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Previous studies propose that associative classification has high classification accuracy and strong flexibility at handling unstructured data. However, it still suffers from the huge set of mined rules and sometimes biased classification or overfitting since the classificationis based on only single high-confidence rule. In this study, we propose new associative classification method, CMAR, i.e., Classification based on Multiple Association Rules. The method extends an efficient frequent pattern mining method, FP-growth ,constructs classdistribution-associated FP-tree, and mines large database efficiently. Moreover, it applies CR-tree structure to store and retrieve mined association rulesefficiently, and prunes rules effectively based on confidence, correlation and database coverage. The classification is performed based on weighted X2 analysis using multiple strong association rules. Our extensive experiments on 26 databases from UCI machine learning database repository show that CMAR is consistent, highly effective at classificationof various kinds of databases and has better average classificationaccuracy in comparison with CBA and C4.5.Moreover,our performancestudy shows that the method is highly efficient and scalable in comparison with other reported associative classification methods.
associative classification,mines large database,mined rule,efficient frequent pattern mining,new associative classification method,mined association rulesefficiently,database coverage,efficient classification,multiple class-association rules,associative classification method,database repository show,high classification accuracy,learning artificial intelligence,tree structure,association rules,training data,data mining,machine learning,predictive models,tree data structures,information retrieval,overfitting,databases,association rule
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