Interpolatory point set surfaces—convexity and Hermite data

ACM Transactions on Graphics(2009)

引用 59|浏览31
Point Set Surfaces define a (typically) manifold surface from a set of scattered points. The defini- tion involves weighted centroids and a gradient field. The data points are interpolated if singular weight functions are used to define the centroids. While this way of deriving an interpolatory scheme appears natural we show that it has two deficiencies: convexity of the input is not pre- served and the extension to Hermite data is numerically unstable. We present a generalization of the standard scheme that we call Hermite Point Set Surface. It allows interpolating given normal constraints in a stable way. It also yields an intuitive parameter for shape control and preserves convexity in most situations. The analysis of derivatives also leads to a more natural way to define normals, in case they are not supplied with the point data. We conclude by comparing to similar surface definitions.
Interpolatory point set surface,gradient field,data point,Hermite data,similar surface definition,scattered point,standard scheme,Hermite point set surface,point data,manifold surface,interpolatory scheme
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