Deformation and fracturing using adaptive shape matching with stiffness adjustment

Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation(2009)

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This paper presents a fast method that computes deformations with fracturing of an object using a hierarchical lattice. Our method allows numerically stable computation based on so-called shape matching. During the simulation, the deformed shape of the object and the condition of fracturing are used to determine the appropriate detail level in the hierarchy of the lattices. Our method modifies the computation of the stiffness of the object in different levels of the hierarchy so that the stiffness is maintained uniform by introducing a stiffness parameter that does not depend on the hierarchy. By merging the subdivided lattices, our method minimizes the increase of computational cost. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This paper presents a fast method that computes deformations with fracturing of an object using a hierarchical lattice. The present method employs adaptive shape matching with special care on stiffness control so that it yields deformation results similar to those using a uniform lattice, with lower computational cost. It also reduces the computational cost by merging object parts that are separated off by fracturing.
fast method,computational cost,hierarchical lattice,computes deformation,present method,object part,stiffness parameter,adaptive shape,lower computational cost,so-called shape matching,stiffness adjustment
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