Supervised Label Transfer For Semantic Segmentation Of Street Scenes

ECCV'10: Proceedings of the 11th European conference on Computer vision: Part V(2010)

引用 31|浏览21
In this paper, we propose a robust; supervised label transfer method for the semantic segmentation of street scenes. Given an input image of street scene, we first find multiple image sets from the training database consisting of images with annotation, each of which can cover all semantic categories in the input image. Then, we establish dense correspondence between the input image and each found image sets with a proposed KNN-MRF matching scheme. It is followed by a matching correspondences classification that tries to reduce the number of semantically incorrect correspondences with trained matching correspondences classification models for different categories. With those matching correspondences classified as semantically correct correspondences, we infer the confidence values of each super pixel belonging to different semantic categories, and integrate them and spatial smoothness constraint in a markov random field to segment the input image. Experiments on three datasets show our method outperforms the traditional learning based methods and the previous nonparametric label transfer method, for the semantic segmentation of street
input image,street scene,semantic segmentation,image set,multiple image set,correspondences classification model,matching correspondences classification,different semantic category,matching correspondence,semantic category,Supervised label transfer
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