Supporting the design and fabrication of physical visualizations.

CHI '14: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Toronto Ontario Canada April, 2014(2014)

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Physical visualizations come in increasingly diverse forms, and are used in domains including art and entertainment, business analytics, and scientific research. However, creating physical visualizations requires laborious craftsmanship and demands expertise in both data visualization and digital fabrication. We present three case studies that illustrate limitations of current visualization fabrication workflows. We then present MakerVis, a prototype tool that integrates the entire process of creating physical visualizations, from data filtering to physical fabrication. Design sessions with three end users demonstrate how tools such as MakerVis can dramatically lower the barriers to producing physical visualizations. Observations and interviews from these sessions highlighted future research areas, including customization support, using material properties to represent data variables, and allowing the reuse of physical data objects in new visualizations.
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