Sparse hidden-dynamics conditional random fields for user intent understanding.


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ABSTRACTUnderstanding user intent from her sequential search behaviors, i.e. predicting the intent of each user query in a search session, is crucial for modern Web search engines. However, due to the huge number of user behavior variables and coarse level intent labels defined by human editors, it is very difficult to directly model user behavioral dynamics or user intent dynamics in user search sessions. In this paper, we propose a novel Sparse Hidden-Dynamic Conditional Random Fields (SHDCRF) model for user intent learning from their search sessions. Through incorporating the proposed hidden state variables, SHDCRF aims to learn a substructure, i.e. a set of related hidden variables, for each intent label and they are used to model the intermediate dynamics between user intent labels and user behavioral variables. In addition, SHDCRF learns a sparse relation between the hidden variables and intent labels to make the hidden state variables explainable. Extensive experiment results, on real user search sessions from a popular commercial search engine show that the proposed SHDCRF model significantly outperforms in terms of intent prediction results that those classical solutions such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Conditional Random Field (CRF) and Latnet-Dynamic Conditional Random Field (LDCRF).
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