On swap-distance geometry of voting rules


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Axioms that govern our choice of voting rules are usually defined by imposing constraints on the rule's behavior under various transformations of the preference profile. In this paper we adopt a different approach, and view a voting rule as a (multi-)coloring of the election graph - the graph whose vertices are elections over a given set of candidates, and two vertices are adjacent if they can be obtained from each other by swapping adjacent candidates in one of the votes. Given this perspective, a voting rule F is characterized by the shapes of its "monochromatic components", i.e., sets of elections that have the same winner under F. In particular, it would be natural to expect each monochromatic component to be convex, or, at the very least, connected. We formalize the notions of connectivity and (weak) convexity for monochromatic components, and say that a voting rule is connected/(weakly) convex if each of its monochromatic components is connected/(weakly) convex. We then investigate which of the classic voting rules have these properties. It turns out that while all voting rules that we consider are connected, convexity and even weak convexity are much more demanding properties. Our study of connectivity suggests a new notion of monotonicity, which may be of independent interest.
election graph,weak convexity,monochromatic component,independent interest,adjacent candidate,demanding property,classic voting rule,voting rule,voting rule f,different approach,swap-distance geometry,elections,convexity,connectivity
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