Principles and apparatus of multi-point forming for sheet metal

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(2006)

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As a flexible forming method for sheet metal part, multi-point forming (MPF) technology is discussed in the paper. It employs two reconfigurable element groups to approximate the continuous upper and lower solid dies. With the technique, rapid fabrication of 3D sheet metal part is realized. The principles of multi-point die forming (MPDF) and multi-point press forming (MPPF) are described and then the rules to determine the size of the element are given. For any spatial shape surface to be formed, all elements’ height can be calculated through the contacting point calculation equation. On the computer control, the shape of the two element groups can be adjusted by serial adjusting mode or parallel adjusting mode. MPDF apparatus that includes CAD software, computer control system, two element groups, hydraulic press and laser CMM is developed. Following the given MPF procedure, 3D sheet metal part was formed without failure. Due to the rapid change characteristics of the two element groups, several special MPF forming techniques that are impossible in conventional sheet forming have been investigated in detail. By flexible blank holder technique, thin sheet MPDF is realized. With sectional MPF, large size sheet would be formed on small scale MPF apparatus. Through closed loop MPF, spring-back would be compensated cycle by cycle, and large deformation part is obtained with incremental MPDF successfully.
CAD,CAM,flexible manufacturing,multi-point forming,sheet metal forming
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