Queries, the Missing Link in Automatic Data Integration.

ISWC-PD'12: Proceedings of the 2012th International Conference on Posters & Demonstrations Track - Volume 914(2012)

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This paper introduces the ontology mapping approach of a system that automatically integrates data sources into an ontology-based data integration system (OBDI). In addition to the target and source ontologies, the mapping algorithm requires a SPARQL query to determine the ontology mapping. Further, the mapping algorithm is dynamic: running each time a query is processed and producing only a partial mapping sufficient to reformulate the query. This approach enables the mapping algorithm to exploit query semantics to correctly choose among ontology mappings that are indistinguishable when only the ontologies are considered. Also, the mapping associates paths with paths, instead of entities with entities. This approach simplifies query reformulation. The system achieves favorable results when compared to the algorithms developed for Clio, the best automated relational data integration system.
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