Using Wikipedia Links to Construct Word Segmentation Corpora


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Tagged corpora are essential for evaluating and training natural language processing tools. The cost of constructing large enough manually tagged corpora is high, even when the annotation level is shallow. This article describes a simple method to automatically create a partially tagged corpus, using Wikipedia hyperlinks. The resulting corpus contains information about the correct segmentation of 523,599 non-consecutive words in 363,090 sentences. We used our method to construct a corpus of Modern Hebrew (which we have made available at ̃nlpproj). The method can also be applied to other languages where word segmentation is difficult to determine, such as East and South-East Asian languages. Word Segmentation in Hebrew Automatic detection of word boundaries is a non-trivial task in a number of languages. Ambiguities arise in writing systems that do not contain a word-end mark, most notably East-Asian logographic writing systems and SouthEast Asian alphabets. Ambiguities also appear in alphabets that contain a word-end mark, but sometimes allow agglutination of words or insertion of a word-end mark inside a single word. A discussion of the definition of “word” in general can be found, for example, in (Sciullo and Williams 1987). We focus in this work on word segmentation in unvocalized Modern Hebrew. According to common definitions (see (Adler 2007) Chapter 2 for a recent review), a Hebrew word may consist of the following elements: a proclitic, a stem, an inflectional suffix and a pronominal suffix (enclitic). In the official standard defined by the Mila Knowledge Center for Hebrew,, as well as other work in parts of speech (POS) tagging and morphological analysis of Hebrew, inflectional suffixes are referred to as attributes of the stem. The problem of word segmentation in Hebrew concerns, therefore, the identification of the proclitics, stem and enclitics of a word, while POS tagging refers to assigning the correct part of speech to each part. Morphological disambiguation refers, one step further, to the complete analysis of all the morphological attributes of each word part. Copyright c © 2008, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. Proclitics include conjunctions, prepositions, complementizers and the definite article. They are composed of one or two letters and follow a strict order. The segmentation of a given word is often ambiguous. In a corpus of 40 million tokens, we found that there are, on average, 1.26 different possible segmentations per token, even when only proclitics are being considered. For example, the word $btw may be segmented, among other options, as: $-b-tw, meaning “that in a note” $-bt-w, meaning “that his daughter” $btw, meaning “(they) went on strike” The major cause for ambiguity is proclitics, as enclitics are rare in Modern Hebrew. When performing POS-tagging or full morphological analysis, word segmentation can be performed as a separate first step (Bar-Haim, Sima’an, and Winter 2005), alongside POS-tagging (Adler and Elhadad 2006) or even in joint inference with syntactic analysis (Cohen and Smith 2007), following (Tsarfati 2006). Word segmentation may also be considered a separate task, easier than full morphological analysis but still far from trivial. As a separate task, it has practical value on its own narrowing search results, for example. Current work in POS tagging and morphological analysis reports success rate of 97.05 percent in word segmentation for supervised learning (Bar-Haim, Sima’an, and Winter 2008). In the case of unsupervised learning, 92.32 percent accuracy is reported by (Adler and Elhadad 2006) in segmentation and simple POS tagging, without full morphological analysis. The lack of annotated corpora is one of the problems in assessing NLP tools for modern Hebrew. In this work, we propose an original method that exploits Wikipedia data to obtain high-quality word segmentation data. Wikipedia Links and Word Segmentation Using Wikipedia as a data source for NLP and AI tasks has become common in recent years, as work in different fields makes use of the attractive Wikipedia qualities: it is easily accessible, large and constantly growing, multilingual, highly structured, and deals with a considerable number of topics. In this work, we focus on the form of hyperlinks in Wikipedia. Wikipedia hyperlinks, together with a manFor the sake of simplicity, we use only transliterations in this article. Translitatetion follows ISO standard.
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