Geology of Los Azufres Caldera, Mexico, and its relationships with regional tectonics

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research(1991)

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The Los Azufres geothermal field is one of several silicic centres of the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB) for which a caldera structure was suggested. Geological and structural surveys in a wide area surrounding Los Azufres reveal that this complex is situated in an area of unusual concentration of acid volcanism, consisting of four pyroclastic units and several dome complexes. Although a complete caldera structure is not morphologically evident, several facts suggest a long collapse history at Los A zufres: •- the geothermal field lies at the centre of a subcircular depressed area (27 × 26 kminsize) filled by a distinctive fluviolascustrine sequence;•- Middle to Late Miocene rocks bound to the south and to the north of this depression and are encountered only at depth inside it;•- four large ignimbritic suites of latest Miocene and Pliocene age outcrop outside the depression;•- volume estimations of these pyroclastic products are comparable with the missing volume of the depressed area;•- no alternative caldera structures exist in a radius of 200 km from Los Azufres;•- dacitic to rhyolitic lavas, principally extruded as dome complexes, were emplaced inside this depression during the Pleistocene.
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