A surviving disk from a galaxy collision at z=0.4


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Context. Spiral galaxies dominate the local galaxy population. Disks are known to be fragile to collisions. Thus it is worthwhile to probe under what conditions a disk can possibly survive such interactions. Aims. We present a detailed morpho-kinematic study of a massive galaxy with two nuclei, J033210.76-274234.6, at z = 0.4. Methods. The morphological analysis reveals that the object consists of two bulges and a massive disk, as well as a faint blue ring. Combining the kinematics with morphology we propose a near-center collision model for the object. Results. We find that the massive disk is likely to have survived the collision of galaxies with an initial mass ratio of similar to 4:1. The N-body/Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations show that the collision possibly is a polar collision with a very small pericentric distance of similar to 1 kpc, and that the remnant of the main galaxy will be dominated by a disk. The results support the disk survival hypothesis. Conclusions. The survival of the disk is related to the polar collision with an extremely small pericentric distance. With the help of N-body/SPH simulations we find that the probability of disk survival is quite large regardless of whether the two galaxies merge or not.
galaxies: formation,galaxies: evolution,galaxies: kinematics and dynamics,galaxies: interactions
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