An energy efficient data reporting scheme for wireless sensor networks


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This article introduces an event driven data reporting and routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks that offers a local timing based data reporting scheme in a clustered network. When an event occurs, the nodes that has discovered the event, are supposed to report it to their respective cluster heads. All of these nodes would wait for a specific time (based on its residual energy) to send the information. However, only the one of the sensing nodes is going to send the data to the clusterhead. The most appropriate node is the one with more residual energy and it will take its tour sooner to report the data. The waiting time for each individual node is based on its residual energy and its respective cluster head’s energy. A channel access management based on CSMA is used for avoiding collision and multiple sending. The performance of this algorithm is evaluated in the sense on network lifetime and event detection reliability.
residual energy,local timing,energy efficient data,wireless sensor network,channel access management,respective cluster head,specific time,network lifetime,individual node,appropriate node,event detection reliability,wireless sensor networks,local time,energy efficient
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