Space occupying lesions of parotid gland. Comparative diagnostic imaging and pathological analysis of Echo Color/Power Doppler and of magnetic resonance imaging Ruolo dell'Eco color/Power doppler e della risonanza magnetica nelle lesioni espansive parotidee


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Summary Aim of the study was to evaluate the role of Echo Color/Pow- er Doppler and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of space occupying parotid lesions, in the attempt to establish cri- teria for differential diagnosis between benign and malignant types. The study population comprised 49 patients (23 male, 26 female), age range 30-85 years, with a space occupying le- sion of the parotid gland. Each lesion was carefully studied with ultrasound integrated with colour/power doppler and magnetic resonance imaging; patients were then submitted to echo-guided needle-biopsy and surgical excision. A prelimi- nary evaluation by means of ultrasound revealed the site, size of lesion, echostructure and borders. Echo colour/power doppler and magnetic resonance imaging can play a very im- portant role both in diagnosis and pre-operative surgical plan- ning of parotid lesions, although cost and availability, the for- mer to be recommended vs. magnetic resonance imaging, which is poorly accessible, expensive, and not always accept- ed by the patients. Riassunto
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