Fert results (results of the colaborative retrospective study in renal transplantation in mexico

H. F. NOYOLA-VILLALOBOS, J. ALBERU-GOMEZ,C. Gracida, L. E. Morales-Buenrostro, F. Juarez-De la Cruz,G. Martinez-Mier,Martinez M. Reveles


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Transplant Surgery, NOVARTIS, MEXICO/MEXICOIntroduction. There is no a unique Mexican Transplant registry were we can consult clinical data from transplat patients due to the different health systems in the Country. We were focus in colect the main clinical data from different transplant centers all around the Country. Methods. A retrospective colaborative study colecting data from 36 transplants centeres from different health systems was performed and registered in an elctronic database (FERT). Results FERT Study registered data from 36 different Transplan Centers in Mexico, data were registered from 1998 to 2009. A total of 6358 patients entered in the study, 59% male and 41% female with 32 ± 14 average age for the recipients and 36 ± 12 for the donors. 64% were transplant from living related donors, 10.5 from living non related and 35,6 from cadaveric donors. Renal failure etiology was unkown in 57%, followed by glomerulonephritis and diabetes Mellitus in 22%-9%. 34% of the patients received induction therapy (52% basiliximab-42% daclizumab). Several inmmunosupresive regimens were used: TAC-MMF-EST 28%, CYA-AZA-EST 21%, CYA-MMF-EST 15%. there was a 10 tear Patient survival rate of 77% , with 79% ten year graft survival from living donors and 76% from cadaveic donors. There was no statistic siginificance among donor age and 10 years graft survival as well as from immunosupression regimen. Censured death with graft functioning was 75% at 10 years. Conclusion. This preliminary report shows figures similar to those reported in the world literature, however is the first clinical report in Mexico from different trasplant centers. Currently we are runing the prospective part of the study. Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
retrospective study
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