Unified modeling of service logic with user interfaces

Proceedings of the first international workshop on Model driven service engineering and data quality and security(2011)

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We describe a method based on UML activities for the unified specification of collaborative service behavior and local user interfaces. The method enables a model-driven development process, which eectively combines the need to express service collaborations involving several components with the need to provide detailed operations for user interfaces. Our service models use activities as the primary building blocks that encapsulate self-contained functionalities. We show, how a complete distributed system can be decomposed into such building blocks, and how this decomposition leads to a natural separation of user interface concerns from service collaboration concerns, and how they may be combined with our event-driven composition mechanisms based on activity parameter nodes. We illustrate our method with a case study of a situated collaborative learning service.
model-driven development,uml activities,user interface,uml activity,primary building block,service collaboration concern,service model,activity parameter node,service-oriented architecture,user interfaces,user interface concern,collaborative service behavior,local user interface,uml collaborations,building block,unified modeling,service logic,distributed system,collaborative learning,unified model,service oriented architecture
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