Top-K Aggressors Sets In Delay Noise Analysis

DAC07: The 44th Annual Design Automation Conference 2007 San Diego California June, 2007(2007)

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We present, in this paper, novel algorithms to compute the set of "top-k" aggressors in a design. We show that the computation of the set of top-k aggressors is non-trivial, since we must consider all permutations of aggressors that are coupled to a critical path. Also, different sets of aggressors contribute different amounts of noise to each critical path and a brute-force enumeration to obtain the set of top-k aggressors has impractical runtime. Our proposed approach uses two key techniques to reduce the runtime complexity: Firstly, we model the delay noise propagated from a victim net to its fanout net by a so-called pseudo aggressor which simplifies our problem formulation significantly. Secondly, we define a dominance property for aggressor sets, which imposes a partial ordering on the aggressor sets and allows us to efficiently prune the enumeration space. We then demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm on benchmark circuits.
crosstalk,delay noise,static timing analysis
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