Alterations In Trace-Element And Plasma Amino-Acid Profile In Experimental Gram-Negative Septicemia


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Infection can produce changes in the levels of trace metals such as copper, iron and zinc and several amino acids. These trace metals are involved in many metabolic reactions as well as in the host defence response. In the present study we have induced septicaemia in male Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were made septic by surgical insertion of a gelatine capsule containing known amounts of E. coli (1.25 x 10(7) bact/ml) and Bacteroides fragiles (2.5 x 10(7) bact/ml) along with sterile rat faeces as an adjuvant (50% vol/vol), and barium sulphate (10% weight/weight) as an irritant into the abdomen. Blood samples were collected at 36, 60 and 72 h to study alterations in the pattern of copper, zinc, calcium and magnesium and plasma amino acids. Liver samples were taken after sacrifice at 72 h for inorganic element analysis. Sepsis produced a significant increase in copper and magnesium and a significant decrease in zinc and calcium levels of plasma. Trace element content of the livers the septic rats did not differ appreciably from control rats. Septic rats also had a lowered concentration of branched chain amino acids. These changes especially those of copper and zinc could be expected to have a role in the progress of the disease. The changes observed in the present study might be caused through the release of Interleukin-I or related substances from the phagocytic cells.
trace element
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