ActiveRaUL: A Web form-based User Interface to Create and Maintain RDF data.

ISWC-PD '13: Proceedings of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demonstrations Track) - Volume 1035(2013)

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With the advent of Linked Data the amount of automatically generated machine-readable data on the Web, often obtained by means of mapping relational data to RDF, has risen significantly. However, manually created, quality-assured and crowd-sourced data based on ontologies is not available in the quantities that would realise the full potential of the semantic Web. One of the barriers for semantic Web novices to create machine-readable data, is the lack of easy-to-use Web publishing tools that separate the schema modelling from the data creation. In this demonstration we present ActiveRaUL, a Web service that supports the automatic generation of Web form-based user interfaces from any input ontology. The resulting Web forms are unique in supporting users, inexperienced in semantic Web technologies, to create and maintain RDF data modelled according to an ontology. We report on a use case based on the Sensor Network Ontology that supports the viability of our approach.
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