Characterization of power transistors as high dose dosimeters

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2009)

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A bipolar transistor, previously investigated as a possible radiation dosimeter and tested under industrial irradiation conditions in high-activity gamma and high-energy, high-power electron beam facilities has been subjected to stability test in order to understand its behaviour and help to improve its performances. Charge carrier lifetime was measured for several sets of transistors which were then irradiated with various doses (3–60kGy): seven sets with 60Co gamma rays and eight with a 10MeV electron beam. After irradiation all the transistors were measured and each set was divided into three groups: one group was left untreated, the second group was heated at 100°C for 30 minutes and the third group was heated at 150°C for 30 minutes, for testing the stability of the lifetime. Our data showed that heat treatment quite successfully eliminates post-irradiation changes in the response. Response measurements of the irradiated transistors, heat-treated and untreated, were carried out at room temperature over several weeks after irradiation to establish post-irradiation stability and assess if these transistors could be used for recording dose history. Calibration curves in the range 3–60kGy for the thermally treated and untreated devices are presented. Dependence of the response of the transistors on the temperature of the measurements in the range 20–50°C is reported.
Dosimeter,Bipolar transistor,Electron irradiation,γ-Irradiation,Radiation damage
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