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a comprehensive, systematic approach to great ape management we call behavioral management. The premise is simple—training and enrichment are complementary processes whose individual strengths are greatly enhanced by integrating them into one com- prehensive system. Enrichment, like training, is most effective if it has a specific purpose, and triggers real results. In a systems ap- proach to animal management, both training and enrichment are used flexibly and purposefully to implement husbandry routines, address behavioral problems, plan operational protocols, and devel- op strategies to enhance care and welfare. In a behavioral management system, all animal care staff are trained in the basics of operant conditioning techniques. Although it may not be feasible to develop equal training skills in all personnel, everyone who works with the animals should be capable of using and maintaining trained behavior once it is complete. They should also be capable of implementing simple training protocols, and in- corporating reinforcement into interactions with animals when they cooperate with husbandry and medical procedures. With this ap- proach, training is not just something that is done in a training ses- sion, but a methodology that is incorporated into the daily routine. In a behavioral management system, animals are provided the opportunity and motivation to voluntarily cooperate in activities and procedures. Keepers and caregivers provide clear cues for desired responses, and reinforce those responses when they occur. To in- crease successful outcomes, animals are given a reasonable oppor- tunity to cooperate in the desired behavior. In other words, we exercise patience and exhaust the positive alternatives before any kind of negative reinforcement technique is used. In order to be pro- active, staff plan ahead and actively prepare animals for veterinary procedures, research protocols, or any foreseen changes in the rou- tine such as altering social groups or environmental factors. Finally, problem-solving is an integral component of behavioral manage- ment, a formal process based on the scientific method. Staff assess the problem behavior, make an educated guess as to why it is hap- pening, and initiate strategies to address the underlying causes. Then, results are measured, and if necessary, new strategies imple- mented, until the problem is adequately addressed.
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