Cardiac-Specific Expression and Hypertrophic Upregulation of Exon H1 of Feline Na 1 -Ca 21 Exchanger-Promoter in Transgenic Mouse Model


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mouse model, we test the role of the DNA region including 21831 to 67 bp of intron 1, encompassing exon H1 of the feline NCX1 gene (NCX1H1). The NCX1H1 promoter was sufficient for driving the normal spatiotemporal pattern of NCX1 expression in cardiac development. The luciferase reporter gene was expressed in a heart-restricted pattern both in early embryos (embryonic days 8 to 14) and in later embryos (after embryonic day 14), when NCX1 is also expressed in other tissues. In the adult, no luciferase activity was detected in the kidney, liver, spleen, uterus, or skeletal muscle; minimal activity was detected in the brain; and very high levels of luciferase expression were detected in the heart. Transverse aortic constriction- operated mice showed significantly increased left ventricular mass after 7 days. In addition, there was a 2-fold upregulation of NCX1H1 promoter activity in the left ventricle in animals after 7 days of pressure overload compared with both control and sham-operated animals. This work demonstrates that the NCX1H1 promoter directs cardiac-specific expression of the exchanger in both the embryo and adult and is also sufficient for the upregulation of NCX1 in response to pressure overload. (Circ Res. 2002;90:●●●-●●●.)
na 1 -ca 21 exchanger n pressure-overload hypertrophy n transgenic mice
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