Direct Comparison of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing by the BD Phoenix, bioMérieux ViTek 2, and Disk Diffusion Test Methods as Compared to Results Generated by the CLSi Broth Microdilution Test


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BACkGRounD. Several options exist for performance of automated or manual antimicrobial susceptibility testing in clinical laboratories. We have assessed the use of the BD Phoenix, the bioMerieux V iTek 2, and the CLS i disk diffusion methods for testing common, aerobic bacteria. MeThoDS. A collection of fresh clinical isolates and stock strains were tested in common by the three methods. They included staphylococci, enterococci, members of the Enterobacteriaceae, and selected species of non-fermenters. Results were compared to MiCs determined using the CLS i broth microdilution method with specially prepared frozen panels. ReSuLTS. A total of 410 commonly encountered aerobic pathogens (180 fresh clinical isolates, 230 stock strains) were tested. overall susceptibility category agreements between the test methods and the reference procedure were 95.3% for Phoenix, 95.1% for ViTek 2, and 94.7% for disk diffusion. Percent very major (VM) , major (M), and minor (m) error rates were 1.2, 1.8, and 3.2 for Phoenix, 2.7, 0.2, and 3.9 for V iTek 2, and 1.4, 0.2, and 4.5 for disk diffusion using the relevant organism-drug combinations successfully tested by each method. When on-scale MiCs were obtained with the two instruments, the overall essential agreement (+/- one dilution) between the reference method and Phoenix was 91.7% and was 89.1% with ViTek 2. Differences
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