Competition in Tanzanian woodfuel markets

Energy Policy(1993)

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Most people in urban Tanzania, as in countries throughout Africa and the world, depend on woodfuels as their subsistence energy source. Despite this, very little is known about the system that supplies woodfuel to the urban sector. Consequently, policy makers cannot know whether improvements are needed in the system or if it is better left as it is. This study, based on survey data and other information gathered in Tanzania in 1990, finds the woodfuel delivery system to be the only fuel delivery system in the country with consistent uninterrupted supplies. The competitiveness and efficiency of the woodfuel supply system are evaluated, concluding that although improvements in some areas, most notably transport, are needed, the system works in a largely efficient and competitive atmosphere in the three cities studied. Recommendations for improvements that would leave the system in its present, relatively unregulated state are presented, including fee adjustments that would involve local participation in the setting, collecting and disbursement of fees, a reorganization of the fuel transport system, and the creation of additional forest reserves and catchment areas.
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