Modeling Inter-Instruction Energy Effects in a Digital Signal Processor


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This paper explores techniques for creating accurate instruction-level energy models for digital signal processors (DSP). Our initial results confirm previous work showing that inter-instruction effects can become a significant component of power consumption for many programs. To overcome limita- tions of previous models, we develop a straightfoward method (the NOP model) that models transitions between any two instructions. Measurements show that our method accurately models inter-instruction effects without a quadratic increase in the size of energy tables. Complex instructions are handled by treating functional units within the processor separately. while accurately estimating program energy. Our results, simu- lated with an implementation of a subset of the Motorola DSP56000 (56K), produce instruction-level power tables that predict program power within 8% percent of simulation-based estimates. Further, by attributing each instruction's power con- sumption to the various functional units, we preserve accuracy while overcoming the difficulty associated with modeling the 56K's rich addressing modes and parallel functions. Section 2 describes our subset of the 56K DSP and our design methodology. Section 3 presents our approach to gener- ating instruction-level power tables and compares our results with previous techniques. Section 4 further evaluates these models and describes potential limitations. Finally, in Section 5 we present our conclusions and outline future work. 2 Tools and Methodology
digital signal processor,functional unit,design methodology
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