Supersonic jet formation and propagation in x-pinches

D. M. Haas,S. C. Bott,J. Kim,D. A. Mariscal, R. E. Madden,Y. Eshaq, U. Ueda, G. Collins IV,K. Gunasekera,F. N. Beg,J. P. Chittenden, N. Niasse,C. A. Jennings

Astrophysics and Space Science(2011)

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Observations of supersonic jet propagation in low-current x-pinches are reported. X-pinches comprising of four 7.5 μm diameter tungsten wires were driven by an 80 kA, 50 ns current pulse from a compact pulser. Coronal plasma surrounding the wire cores was accelerated perpendicular to their surface due to the global J × B force, and traveled toward the axis of the x-pinch to form an axially propagating jet. These jets moved towards the electrodes and, late in time (∼150 ns), were observed to propagate well above the anode with a velocity of 3.3±0.6×10 4 m/s. Tungsten jets remained collimated at distances of up to 16 mm from the cross point, and an estimate of the local sound speed gives a Mach number of ∼6. This is the first demonstration that supersonic plasma jets can be produced using x-pinches with such a small, low current pulser. Experimental data compares well to three-dimensional simulations using the GORGON resistive MHD code, and possible scaling to astrophysical jets is discussed.
X-pinch,Jets,Supersonic outflows
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