Directing exploratory search with interactive intent modeling.

CIKM'13: 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management San Francisco California USA October, 2013(2013)

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We introduce interactive intent modeling, where the user directs exploratory search by providing feedback for estimates of search intents. The estimated intents are visualized for interaction on an Intent Radar, a novel visual interface that organizes intents onto a radial layout where relevant intents are close to the center of the visualization and similar intents have similar angles. The user can give feedback on the visualized intents, from which the system learns and visualizes improved intent estimates. We systematically evaluated the effect of the interactive intent modeling in a mixed-method task-based information seeking setting with 30 users, where we compared two interface variants for interactive intent modeling, namely intent radar and a simpler list-based interface, to a conventional search system. The results show that interactive intent modeling significantly improves users' task performance and the quality of retrieved information.
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