The dependence of successful resuscitation on electrocardiographically documented cardiac rhythm in case of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.


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Objective. To determine the influence of electrocardiographically documented cardiac rhythm during sudden cardiac at-rest on successful resuscitation among out-of-hospital deaths in Kaunas city. Material and methods. An observational prospective study was conducted between I January, 2005, and 30 December, 2005, in Kaunas city with a population of 360 627 inhabitants. In this period, all cases of cardiac arrest were analyzed according to the guidelines of the Utstein consensus conference. Cardiac arrest (both of cardiac and noncardiac etiology) was confirmed in 72 patients during one year Effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed in 18 patients. Results. The total number of deaths from all causes in Kaunas during 1-year study period was 6691. Sixty-two patients due to sudden death of cardiac etiology were resuscitated by emergency medical set-vices personnel. Return of spontaneous circulation was achieved in 11 patients. Ventricular fibrillation was observed in 33 (53.2%) patients. Asystole was present in 11 (17.7%) and other rhythms in 18 (29.1%) cases. Patients with ventricular fibrillation as an initial rhythm were more likely to be successfully resuscitated than patients with asystole. Conclusions. Ventricular fibrillation was the most common electrocardiographically documented cardiac rhythm registered during cardiac arrest in out-of-hospital settings. Ventricular fibrillation as a mechanism of cardiac arrest was associated with major cases of successful resuscitation.
resuscitation,ventricular fibrillation,Utstein style template,out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
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