Programming Logic and Design: Comprehensive

Guide to Programming Logic and Design - Comprehensive(2014)

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With a clear writing style that is stripped of highly technical jargon, Programming Logic and Design, Comprehensive, Fifth Edition provides beginning programmers with a guide to developing structured program logic. The book's main goal is to introduce universal programming concepts, while enforcing good style and logical thinking along the way. Designed for readers with little or no programming language experience, it begins with general programming concepts and key concepts of structure. Coverage then progresses to the intricacies of decision-making, looping, array manipulation, and methods. Additional chapters discuss control break programs, advanced array manipulation techniques, and file handling. After the reader has mastered programming fundamentals, an extremely thorough, yet easy-to-understand chapter covers the intricacies of object-oriented programming. The book concludes with chapters on event-driven programming, system modeling with the UML, and the fundamentals of relation database management.
sixth edition,clearer explanation,flowchart symbols,good style,array manipulation,clear revised explanation,clear writing style,programming fundamental,general programming concept,concise writing style,advanced array manipulation technique,popular text,programming language experience,proven book,prior programming experience,universal programming concept,event-driven programming,object-oriented programming,modern convention,modern programming,increased emphasis,programming logic,logical thinking,strong programming style,programming language,language-specific companion text
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