The Scaling Limit of the Incipient Infinite Cluster in High-Dimensional Percolation. I. Critical Exponents

Journal of Statistical Physics(2000)

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This is the first of two papers on the critical behavior of bond percolation models in high dimensions. In this paper, we obtain strong joint control of the critical exponents η and δ for the nearest neighbor model in very high dimensions d ≫6 and for sufficiently spread-out models in all dimensions d >6. The exponent η describes the low-frequency behavior of the Fourier transform of the critical two-point connectivity function, while δ describes the behavior of the magnetization at the critical point. Our main result is an asymptotic relation showing that, in a joint sense, η =0 and δ =2. The proof uses a major extension of our earlier expansion method for percolation. This result provides evidence that the scaling limit of the incipient infinite cluster is the random probability measure on ℝ d known as integrated super-Brownian excursion (ISE), in dimensions above 6. In the sequel to this paper, we extend our methods to prove that the scaling limits of the incipient infinite cluster's two-point and three-point functions are those of ISE for the nearest neighbor model in dimensions d ≫6.
percolation,critical exponents,lace expansion,incipient infinite cluster
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